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Game Name : Dragon Ball Z : Budokai 2
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2005-03-21 00:29:41
Views : 35303

Vegeta (Majin form): Use S Final Explosion without dying:
Go to training mode and select "Practice". Choose Vegeta as your character, add Babidi's Mind Control, and select "Custom". Then, select any character and add Viral Heart Disease. Next, add the vaccine and select "Custom". Start the game. Wait until Vegeta's health gauge is red. Then, let the CPU hit you. You will now turn into Majin Vegeta. You can practice trying to perfect Majin Vegeta's final explosion without dying.

In Dragon World, defeat Ginyu on Namek as Vegeta.

Vegeta: Big Bang attack:
Defeat Kid Buu as Vegeta on the Supreme Kai's Planet.

Vegita: One Hit K.O.:
Use Vegeta and equip Babidi's Mind Control. When you get down to your last health bar, let the CPU hit you. Make sure you hit the ground. After you hit the ground, you will see a short FMV sequence and Babidi will appear and turn you into Majin Vegeta. You now have access to two of the best moves in the game; Atomic Blast which takes up nearly an entire health bar, and Final Explosion which is the most powerful attack. If you manage to pull off Final Explosion, you will get a one hit K.O., even if the CPU is at full health. However, the charge-up meter for Final Explosion grows incredibly slow; and unless you fill the meter up completely, the only thing you will do is destroy Vegeta. To fill up the meter faster, do not rotate the Analog-stick or C-stick. Instead, repeatedly press A. This is the only way to fill the meter without destroying yourself.

Goku: Extra defense:
Put the following in the capsule slots: Mysterious Vest, Saiyan Spirit, Ki Flash (optional), and Kamekameha (optional). You will not need to block because you will have 175% defense.

Note: This also works for Hercule. Put the following in the capsule slots: Saiyin Spirit (or Hercule's False Courage), Miracle Power (or Kings Confidence), and the Study Vest (World Champion Vest). If Super Buu gets the Tien and Yamcha Absorption, you will be invincible.

Videl: Recommended moves:
Eagle Kick
Viral Heart Disease
Falcon Rush x2 (or one Falcon Rush and Meditation)
Videl's Close Call

Gokule: Change appearance:
First get the Gokule capsule for either Goku or Hercule. Then, before selecting either character, first change the appearance to their alternate costume by pressing Up or Down. Next, select the character along with the capsule. When you use the fusion and it is successful, Gokule will appear differently. You can do with other fusions, but their costume will only change.

In Dragon World, defeat Vegeta as Goku on Namek.

Easy money:
On the last level where you fight Kid Buu, when you start dig (press B) until a question mark appears over your head. Note: You can use any character.

Black Card:
Buy all the red capsules that you can get with the Gold Card.
Information in this section was contributed by SPB.

Goten: Immortal:
On the "5" place, chose Kid Trunks and Goten as allies. Have Goten and Trunks stand at the same location. They will do the spin power-up and Goten will get +30 defense and trunks will get +30 attack. There are two more +20 armors on the lower area (the area where you start). Pick those up and he will be at 210 defense. Then, equip Goten with Mysterious Vest and he will not be able to be hurt, and you will get all "Perfects", unless you fight on a location that drains your health.

Charge special faster:
Hold A when charging up for a special to charge faster. This the only way to get Majin Vegeta's Final Explosion move without getting destroyed.

Buu: Funny moves:
Helicopter: Press Right, P(4), Left, P. Note: For Kid Buu press P(4), Left, P.
Funny long-arm: Press P, Right, P(2).
Fast-punch: Press P, K.
Hugging move: Press Right, P, K(3) as Super Buu.
Sitting: Press Right, K(2), Right, K(2).

Gold Card:
Buy all the red capsules that you can get with the Silver Card.
Information in this section was contributed by SPB.

Tien: Recommended moves:
Dodompa x2 (one slot each)
Potential (two slots)
Sturdy Vest (three slots)

This make him very powerful and difficult to kill. You can also use Ki-Blast Cannon in place of Dodompa.

Vegeta (Majin form): Recommended moves:
Babidi's Mind Control
Angel's Halo
Galick Gun
Final Flash
Nose Dive Crash/Meteor Break

Bulma's costume:
To get Bulma's costumes, get all the Dragon Balls. Then, summon the dragon. If you are lucky, you can get Bulma's costumes. Bulma's costume will change the way that Bulma appears in the capsule shop.

Picking up a Dragon Ball:
To pick up a Dragon Ball after it is in the center of the Dragon Ball Radar, just select the character that is on top of the Dragon Ball and press B.

Dragon World: Faster wins:
Play as Goku and give him the following skills:

King Kai Fist x20
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 3
Saiyan Spirit
Warp Kamehameha
Warp Kamehameha

In every fight you can just power up to 5 Energy Levels, Transform, and press P(2), K(2), X. If they livem you will only need 3 Energy Levels to do it once more.

Babidi's Mind Control (Majin Vegeta):
Defeat Majin Vegeta the first time you fight him with Goku.

Alternately, defeat Majin Frieza or Majin Cell in the same manner.

If you defeat someone when the dizzy symbol is over their head, you will take away two life points. This is what makes it possible to get Babidi's Mind Contol (Majin Vegeta).

On the level were you must stop Majin Buu from being resurrected, kill Cell or Dabura to get Babidi's Mind Control for Vegeta.

When you get all seven Dragonballs you get one wish. Do not buy Bulma's costumes. Instead, you should buy Breakthrough, Fusion, and Potera capsules. Breakthrough capsules take all seven slots but give every move for that person. Others allow secret fusions between people.

Use the following trick to get all the wishes. At the very end when you must defeat Kid Buu you will get one wish after the credits by obtaining all seven Dragon Balls. Before you defea Kid Buu, save the game and exit. Then, copy the saved game file for the game onto another memory card. Start the game again and defeat Kid Buu (again) and get another wish. When done, copy or transfer the capsule that you obtained.

Control opening screen:
Rotate the C-stick to spin Master Roshi. Press the Analog-stick to change his position on the screen.

When the loading screen appears and you see Master Roshi on a hover disc, quickly rotate the C-stick to control the speed and the Analog-stick to control the movement. Roshi can only move sideways.

When you see Master Roshi spinning in the opening/loading screen, you can press L or R instead to spin him You can still control him with the Analog-stick. Note: This does not work when you perform a special move such as Continuous Kamehameha.

Easy characters:
To unlock the characters easily, try to complete the Dragon World (the real game). About every time you defeat a character, you will unlock the person that you were battling against.

Dragon World: Extra move turnips:
In Dragon World mode, there are extra move turnips that allow you to move two spaces instead of one. In level 2, where Frieza starts the level is a hexagon shape, the move turnip is located at the top of the hexagon. In level 4, move downward and diagonal one space from where Goku starts and search there. In level 7, the move turnip is where your ally starts. Have them check the area. In level 9, it is where Goku starts from. Just have him search there.

Easier Fusion (Gotenks), Spirit Ball Attack (Yamcha), and Burning Slash (Trunks):
When doing the three attacks mentioned, pause game play when the button combo is halfway up the screen. Normally you cannot pause game play when it is totally on the screen. Memorize the button combo, then press Start again and execute it.

Babidi's Spaceship: Easy Kili:
Go to Babidi's Spaceship and select one player and stage 2. Choose Vegeta and go to "Edit Skills". Take out whatever skills he currently has and replace them with Bulma's Armor and a Senzu Bean. Then, select custom Vegeta. Next, select Hercule to be your opponent. Go anywhere you want, but somewhere simple with nothing in the way like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is recommended. Then, block the entire time. You can easily last 500 seconds, and get over 1000 Kili. Repeat this until your meter is full.

Goku: Recommended moves:
King Kai Fist x20
Super Saiyan
Warp Kamehameaha
Spirit Bomb
Continuous Kamehameaha
(You should not have other levels of SS because they take up too much room)

Use the following setup. Charge until you have five full capsule charge things, then press K(2), Right, K(2), E. Try to rotate the Analog-stick and C-stick faster than your opponent and you will be Super Saiyan and deal 1,980 damage. If your opponent is still up, use Spirit Bomb (Left, P, P(2), K, E).

King Kai Fist x20
Super Saiyan
Super Spirit Ball
Super Spirit Ball
Spirit Ball
Spirit Ball

Fight Buu:
To defeat Buu easily in story mode, use Custom Goku with the following capsules:

20x King Kai Fist
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Viral Heart Disease

Use your allies to run own Buu's health. Recommended allies are Piccolo and Vegeta (Galick Gun, S.S. 1 and 2, Meteor Break, Meteor Flash).

In Babidi's Ship, get over 100 Kili.

Cell: Recommended moves:
Energy Field
Spirit Bomb
Cybernetic Radar/ Any other capsule
Essence of the Mighty

Switching To Goten or Kid Trunks in a duel:
Equip Goten or Kid Trunks with the Fusion. While you are fighting, press P + K + G (Y + B + A). You will have all of their moves as if you chose that character at the start. Note: No transformation is possible.

City Stage level:
Defeat Super Buu with Gohan to unlock the City Stage level.
Information in this section was contributed by jared garcia.

Vegeta: Recommended moves:
Note: Once you are under Babidi's Control, get your Ki Gauge up to 5 (not very easy) and do Final Explosion. You will hit for 3,00 damage, which is the highest possible in the game.

Babidi's Mind Control
Super Kami Water
Desperate Resolution

Use the following capsules. With Angel's Halo on, you will not lose any Ki when you are transformed, so Bulma's Wish is constantly raising your Ki. You can use techniques other than Galick Gun, but it is easy to execute and is fairly strong when used at full power.

Galick Gun x2
Angel's Halo
Bulma's Wish

The best moves for Vegeta are as follows. Even though you only have one real move, you may not need it; and if you do, Meditation gives you twice as many.

Angels Halo
Galic Gun
Bulma's Wish

Yamcha-Tien switch:
In practice or duel mode, give either Yamcha or Tien their Tiencha fusion ability. Play with that custom character and press Punch, Kick and Guard during a match. Yamcha and Tien will switch.

Teen Gohan: Recommended moves:
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Fatherson Kamehameha x2
Mixed Blood Power

In Dragon World, defeat Cell as Adult Gohan the first time you see him.

In Dragon World, defeat Fat Buu as Saiyaman.

Get both Hercule's and Goku's Breakthrough Capsules.

Alternately, get Goku's Breakthrough Capsule then play Hercule as backup all the way through Dragon World and use the Dragon Balls at the end.

Lower opponent's Ki faster:
Set the taunt (P + K + G + E) to either of the shoulder buttons. Then, perform the taunt during the battle. Your opponent's Ki will drop one level. This is very useful when preventing your opponent from performing high damage moves or going Super Saiyan.

Kid Trunks: Recommended moves:
Super Saiyan (one slot)
Double Buster x2 (one slot each)
Potential (two slots)
Mixed Blood Power (one slot)
Ki Control (one slot)

Get both Tien and Yamcha's Breakthrough Capsules. A capsule will be given you that explains it.

Get this capsule after you have gathered all seven Dragon Balls. Summon Shenron and acquire the capsule.

Trunks: Recommended moves:
Super Saiyan (one slot)
Finish Buster x2 (one slot each)
Potential (two slots)
Mixed Blood Power (one slot)
Ki Control (one slot)
Note: You can replace Ki Control with Super Saiyan 2 for added power.

Use the following for a near-death move. This will bring your opponent's health down to 1 (3000>1). Using Super Kami Water is recommended.

Super Saiyan
Mixed Blood Power
Trunks' Sword
Super Kami Water or Potential
Burning Slash x2

Use the following for a 2,999 damage move. You just have to hit the opponent once after the Burning Slash.

Super Saiyan
Mixed Blood Power
Trunks' Sword
Super Kami Water
Burning Slash x2

Gohan: Recommended moves:
Super Saiyan
Mix Blood Power
Super Kami Water
Super Kamehameha x2
Note: For Teen Gohan replace Z-Sword with SS2.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku:
Defeat Fat Buu the first time you see him, in the level where he gets resurrected and kills Babidi, with Goku. Super Saiyan 3 requires five Ki gauges to use. Once you transform your Ki will begin dropping very quickly. However, Super Saiyan 3 also super-charges your attacks. This means that Warp Kamehameha and Super Spirit Bomb (and your other attacks such as Kamehameha and Zanku Fist) will now be even more powerful than they already were.

Adept difficulty:
Unlock sixteen playable characters. The Adept capsule will appear in the capsule shop.

In Dragon World, defeat Super Buu (as Gohan absorbed) as Hercule.

To get the Potara Capsule for Vegeta, you must wish for it from the Eternal Dragon Shenron at the end or Dragon World.

In Dragon World, defeat Nappa as Vegeta. This can only be done when you unlock Vegeta and start Dragon mode again.

In Dragon World, defeat Raditz as Goku.

Continue customizing character:
When on Stage 2 on Babidi's ship, you can still customize your character. Before you continue with Stage 2, add a full Senzu Bean onto you customized character. After your one bar of life is gone you will use the Senzu Bean and regain three full bars of life, extending the time that you can "endure your opponent's attacks".

Restore health during fight:
Note: This trick requires two players and Babidi's Spaceship. First, go to Babidi's Spaceship. When asked how many players are playing, select "2P". One of the mini-games involves locking your Ki and Health together. Select that game. You can now recharge your health during a fight. Note: Since this trick locks your Ki and Health together, you can now lose health by using any Ki-draining special attack.

Future Trunks:
In Dragon World, defeat Vegeta on Namek with Kid Trunks.

Frieza: Recommended moves:
Frieza's Space Ship
Death Beam or Death Wave
Death Ball
Put anything in the last slot

Fight Kid Buu:
Play as Goten or Kid Trunks. Have them be Super Saiyan and have two capsules of Kamehameha or Buster Cannon. Also get a quick fire type move such as Continuous Kamehameha (if Trunks has one). This works well because if you are tall (like Goku), you will kick over Buu's head.

When fighting Kid Buu for the final time, first destroy everything outside of his little place. Then, move your character and your allies all in the place and gang up on him.

Select Goten and Gohan as your partners. Have Gohan go to Goten. This will give Goten 20 defensive points. Then, make Goku go to Goten. This will give Goten 30 defensive power-ups (160 defensive points). Then, go to the carpet that Mr.Popo has close to where you start. Go to Kid Buu and fight him with Goten. Make sure you have Super Saiyan and block frequently.

Easy wins:
Get a Viral Heart Disease Skill and put it on for support. Then, get a Vaccine to not make your Power decrease, but your opponent's will. Just block until their health is in the orange. You should now be able to defeat them.

When you initiate Burst mode in battle, instead of just randomly pressing buttons (as the game suggests), use the palm of your hand to rotate the Analog-stick and C-stick either clockwise or counter-clockwise, depending on which is more comfortable for you. Note: For optimal performance, use your dominant hand (if you are right-handed, use your right hand; and if left-handed, use your left).

Go to edit skills and choose any character. Then put Viral Heart Disease, Vaccine, and Senzu Bean. You will have one space remaining to put anything desired. If you die even if using Viral Heart Disease and Vaccine, you always have the Senzu Bean.

When your opponent uses his special that does not need to be in contact with you (such as Destructo Disc), if you are far enough away you can press Down + A to dodge the attack, and then press Over + X to shoot your special, which almost always hits them.

When fighting a short opponent, kick them into the air. You will be able hit and kick them as if you were fighting Cell or someone similar.

To defeat any villain easier (especially Fat Buu, Super Buu, and Kid Buu), choose any character and go to the skill sheet. Add some good Ki attacks then choose the Vital Heart Disease. The opponent's health will slowly decrease. The best partners against Kid Buu are Gohan and Trunks. Use Gohan until Kid Buu does not let up. On the last health block, use Trunks. Also, the character that defeats Kid Buu will receive the best attack one would need with that person.

Maximum Ki:
When you fighting someone, charge your Ki for one second. Then, press Select and you will have maximum Ki. You can do this as long as desired.

The best way to get maximum Ki for Goku and Vegeta is to win their Angel Halos. When you transform into any form of Super Saiyan or Majin Vegeta, your Ki will not decrease. The only way for your Ki to go down is if you use an attack such as Spirit Bomb, Big Bang Attack, or Final Destruction.

Android 20:
In Dragon World, defeat Android 20 as Goku.

Yamcha: Easy unlocks:
Play Stage 3 of Babidi's Spaceship with Yamcha only using Wolf Fang Fist to unlock Dabura, Majin, Super and Kid Buu along with some of their moves much faster than if someone else was used.

Babidi's Ship:
Complete Dragon World and have all seven Dragonballs. After the credits, the Dragonballs will glow and Shenron will be summoned. The first option is "Babidi's Ship".

Android 18:
In Dragon World, defeat Android 18 as Krillen.

Goten: Easy wins:
Unlock Mysterious Vest and Super Holy Water. Equip them and something else to Goten. Every time in Dragon World, get Goten as an ally. Have Goten and Goku stand next to each other. Then, try to get an armor thing or two. If you get two worth +20%, you will be almost invincible.

Golden Capsule on level 1:
On the first level, where you have to get to the Dragonball before Raditz and Nappa, defeat all the Saibamen that pop up until a red one appears. Fight that one and win. You should get a new capsule for Hercule. Equip the capsule, and whenever Hercule's health drops below one sixth he will now receive a boost of energy. This may require a few attempts

In Dragon World, defeat Nappa as Tien.

Super Buu's absorption technique:
Get over 10,000 Kili on Babidi's Ship.

Android 16:
In Dragon World, defeat Android 16 as Goku.

In Dragon World, do not take the Potara Earrings from the Supreme Kai to fuse into Vegito. Complete the game without taking them.

Alternate costumes:
When fighting in training or duel modes, you can change your character's costume by pressing B so that you will turn to the question mark. Then, press A to choose a character. They will have different costumes. For example, Piccolo will look like Nail and Gohan will fight in his father's costume.

To change costumes, go to the character and press Up or Down. You will be able to select a different costumes. Some characters may have three choices but most have only two.

Supreme Kai:
In Dragon World, defeat Supreme Kai as Goku.

Dubura: Recommended moves:
Evil Blast x2
Demonic Will
Dubura's Sword
Hell Blade Rushx2
Hell Blitz

Goku: Super Saiyan 2:
After defeating the Supreme Kai on the Supreme Kai planet, fight Vegeta and kill him to receive the Super Saiyan 2 capsule for Goku. You need four Ki bars to transform into Super Saiyan 2.

Silver Card:
Buy all red capsules that you can get at the beginning. Alternately, have a saved game from the original Dragon Ball Z: Budokai on your memory card.

You will automatically get his capsule during Dragon mode when you are in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Defeat Fat Buu for the first time to unlock Gotenks.

To get Gotenks when absorbing you must be fighting Majin Buu. It never fails.

Krillin: Kiss from Android 18:
Defeat Android 18 as Krillin to get a kiss.

Super Buu:
In Babidi's Ship, get over 2,400 Kili.

Android 17:
In Dragon World, defeat Android 17 as Piccolo.

In Dragon World, defeat Recoome as Goku.

Kid Buu:
In Babidi's Ship, get over 3,600 Kili.

Powered down:
Turn Super Saiyan or Super Namek. While in this form, change to any character. Notice the character you changed from will be powered down to normal.

Teen Gohan:
Use a memory card with a saved game file from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai. Alternately, in Dragon World, defeat Cell for the last time on Supreme Kai's planet with Adult Gohan.

In the city, when Supreme Kai tells you about the Potara earrings, go to him to get them. When Vegeta comes, give him the other earring.

Babidi's Spaceship: Easy wins:
To win and get some skills from Babidi's spaceship, try the following:

Put a Senzu Bean on a custom character. Include the best armor they have. Then, go to Babidi's Spaceship on level 2. Select the custom character, then guard and dodge the attacks. When you die, the Senzu Bean will be used and you will have full health. Then, guard and dodge. You will easily win Kili by doing this, and collect the Majin Buu capsules, Dabura, Skills, etc.

Put a Senzu Bean on a custom character. Also use Gero's Perpetual Energy and a favorite death move. Go to level 1 on Babidi's Spaceship and keep doing the death move. Be careful not to lose any health. When you die, the Senzu Bean will be used and you will be resurrected. Then, continue to fight and do the death move repeatedly. If they start to dodge, then try fighting them.

Use Yamcha on level 3. Make sure he has Wolf Fang Fist. Keep doing Wolf Fang Fist and they will easily get hit by you if you activate the move and keep pressing E. This should get you a lot of Kili.

Use this in the stage where you fight enemies until you die. Attach Dr. Gero's Perpetual Energy Capsule to any character with a strong energy attack, such as Trunks or Kid Buu. You can keep pressing the button for the attack repeatedly without losing any Ki. However, you cannot transform during the battle. This also works well with a Senzu Bean.

Go to level 2 and pick a character, then edit skills. If you have it, get Mysterious Vest. If not, use another guard power-up. Next, pick Senzu Bean. If you put on Mysterious Vest you should not have any more room. Then, start the fight. When you lose your first bar, your character will use Senzu Bean and recharge to full health in the green. Note: Do not use your capsule space for attacks, this is endurance.

Note: This trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature. Go to the game where you have to deflect the Ki blast back and forth. Before the round starts, take one jump back, set A to auto-fire, then shoot and hold A. This should give you 193 hits in the round and result in about 600 Kili.

Use Vegeta with Final Explosion and keep doing it as long as possible. Note: You must be very good at doing Final Explosion; if you do not get it to a full bar the level is over.

Advanced difficulty:
Unlock all twenty nine characters. The Advanced capsule will appear in the capsule shop.

Gain everyone's Devastation move:
At the end of Dragon World, defeat Kid Buu With the desired character to gain their devastation move. For example, Goku's Super Spirit Bomb, Vegeta's Big Bang Attack, Gohan's Super Kamehemehe, etc.

In Dragon World, defeat Frieza as Goku.

In Dragon World, defeat Cell as Goku.

Easy capsules:
Note: You must go to "Edit Capsules" and edit any one of your characters before going to the main menu, or you will have to start where you last saved.

Use the following trick to get easy double capsules. Go to the skill store and look for the capsule that you want two of. Buy it (even if it does not say "New"). Then, if you did not have it before you must leave and buy it again. Put it on your character twice. Note: This only works for red and blue capsules. It does not work for green or black capsules.

Go to the Skill Shop (Bulma's Shop). If you cannot find your capsule there, go back and go to the shop again. Keep doing this until you find what you need.

Majin Buu:
In Babidi's Ship, get over 1,200 Kili.

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